Zyuranger 35

Ninja Sentai Zyuranger!





Alright we’re back with another episode of Kakuranger! Wait, no that’s not right, but it should be. This episode is all about Ninjas and watching it really makes you forget that we’re dealing with a DINOSAUR Sentai team. It feels very much like a ninja action movie with some science thrown in (guess we’re Dynaman now too). Boi gets the spotlight this episode and from this point onwards he’ll forever be remembered in Sentai history as a ninja (although this episode wants us to think he was one before). This seems to be one of those special Sentai episodes where a certain character does something that people just remember. Like for example, the Magical Sisters Dance from Magiranger. It happened once, but it was awesome and everyone remembers it. If you saw the preview from last week’s episode then you already know what this memorable attack is. It’s so memeorable that in the Dice-O arcade game it’s actually one of his attacks (as well as that move he does in the OP where he steps on everyone’s shoulders). If you ever want to see AkaRed (Or any other Sentai hero) doing the Magical Sisters dance then you need to look up some Dice-O videos.  But enough about Dice-O, back to Kakura-, Dynam-, Zyuranger! This is definitely a memorable episode and it’s a ton of fun of watch, so enjoy it and look forward to next week. And remember, everything you learned in life can be learned from monkeys. Also stay away from mirrors.

Here’s a few Dice-O links to keep you entertained while the episode downloads:

Dice-O Zyurangers (pretty generic Dice-O setup if you ask me. Dude needs more imagination)

And here’s a short vid of Geki trashing the Boukengers.

Now THIS is how you play Dice-O

Posted in Releases, Zyuranger | 1 Comment

Zyuranger 34





Alright, it’s time for an entire episode focusing on Burai! This story takes the story of Sleeping of Sleeping Beauty cuts out about 90% of it, skips right to the end, and then does it’s own amazing things for the rest of the episode. All I have to say about this episode is that Burai saves a baby in the coolest and most dangerous way possible (Let’s see Sleeping Beauty do that). It’s a really great episode and it more than makes up for last time. I know you all love Burai and you all wish he could be in every episode but remember: The more Burai shows up, the closer he gets to death. So, next episode Burai’s going to take a well deserved break while Boi learns how to be a Ninja (I couldn’t make this stuff up if I tried). And since it’s so early in the week you might be seeing that episode sooner than you think (I promise nothing).

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Zyuranger 33






Zyuranger has had a lot of interesting and important people work on it, and they’ve all lent their various skills to the show. But this episode, IMO, marks the first time in the show where I stayed not for the episode itself, but for who was in it (Lies! I only found out who it was more than halfway through). In this episode the voice of DoraRaiger is played by the legendary Rika Matsumoto. She’s best know for her work on Pokemon as Satoshi, and for being one of the original members of JAM Project. She’s actually done a lot more but the list is huge!

As far as Toku goes she made her debut in Fiveman as Arthur G6, and then Trash Dimension in Jetman, then of course Zyu,  Spinning Banki in Go-Onger, and more recently Yumeria’s Mother in Akibaranger. Not a lot going on for her Toku wise but her list of anime roles is staggering. She’s also a really good singer and she sung a bunch of openings and endings for Pokemon, as well the opening theme to Kamen Rider Ryuki. Without a doubt she is truly one of the greats.

As for the episode itself, it’s pretty standard stuff, albeit annoying as hell. Want a drinking game? Take a shot every time someone says “Help” “Help me”, “Save me”, “Rainy”, or “Sunny”. You won’t make it to the eyecatch, I can guarantee it. Also there’s no mecha in this episode at all so it’s pure Ranger action, which is great as always. Especially in the end when there’s all these explosions and potential child actor endangerment going on. But other than that this episode is just really annoying. I don’t know if it’s all the yelling, or the constant cries for help, but it is headache inducing. My advice? Come for the Zyu, stay for the Rika and the child endangerment.

I’ll end this with a quote from Lynxara, Zyu’s organizer aka the vital glue that binds us together: “I admit, this ep made me glad that I don’t really do much on this release

She is so lucky.

While the episode is downloading, enjoy one of these fine Rika Matsumoto songs:

(You can find a translation for Alive A Life done by Kou, Zyu’s TL, by clicking here)

Posted in Releases, Zyuranger | 1 Comment

Decade 10

Kabuki and Rey. Okay, that’s random.





Here it is, the 10th episode of the 10th Anniversary Heisei series. This time we’re in the world of Faiz! Smart Brain is now a high school, Smart Lady is no where to be found (some of you will appreciate this), Takumi isn’t as… Takumi as his Faiz counterpart is, and Mari is replaced by some other girl. But on the other hand we have misunderstandings, belt stealing, an Orphenoch hating girl, a Rider who shows up out of nowhere, and that delicious sounding Faiz Gear. Wow! It’s like I’m watching the actual Faiz only it’s not written as retarded! Now this is a big step up from Ryuki’s World, let’s see who wrote this: Sho Aikawa. Wait what? He wrote the Ryuki episodes too!? What else was he the head writer on? Boukenger, and Blade? Really? Oddly enough he didn’t write the Blade episodes of Decade. Well. maybe Mr. Aikawa is a Faiz fan, I mean this episode really feels like Faiz only not as Inoue. If you look hard enough you’ll find little Faiz references scattered throughout (including  AU Takumi making somewhat of a reference to the original’s “cat tongue” issue). We also get some really random Tennis shenanigans that seem like something out of a Shonen manga. Is it possibly because Inoue Masahiro (Tsukasa) starred in some Prince of Tennis musicals before Decade? Nah, couldn’t be. Also be on the look out for Ahnkh from Kamen Rider OOO, he’ll b playing our resident bad guy in this world.

This also marks the first actual appearance of Kamen Rider Diend! A Rider so badass that even Narutaki is afraid of him (knowing this show that won’t last long)! So what’s his gimmick? Does he turn into other non-Main Riders? No way, that’s too easy. Instead he summons copies of them. In this episode we get Kabuki and Rey, an odd pair of choices but whatever. They’re both movie Rider with Kabuki coming from Hibiki and Rey coming from Kiva.

Now,  Justifaiz your school days, and watch the amazing treasure sniper as he tries to steal a Rider Gear, even though he has his own Rider Gear! (At least he has good taste in belts)

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Zyuranger 32





Here’s your weekly dose of Zyuranger, now with a new eyecatch and an updated OP (minus Burai)! The opening is really nice with all the Guardian Beasts (In stores now), same goes for the second eyecatch (Each sold separately, unless you buy the gift set). Anyways, this episode is all about Geki and it’s a real “nut up or shut up” type of episode, the one where a character has an issue and they reach this crossroad about what to do. He’s pretty mopey for most of the episode but Goushi makes up for everything. Seriously, Goushi shows that he is the ultimate bro and just how far he’ll go for his friends. There’s really not too much I can say that won’t give you massive spoilers, so just download the episode and watch it already! It’s got some good action, a little blood, a true bro, and a pansy of a monster (He might actually be a rose, I don’t know my flower. Derp. He’s  narcissus, just like his name says).

Posted in Releases, Zyuranger | 4 Comments

Decade 1-9 DVD9 & Journey through the Decade

Witness now, the Journey through the Decade (again!)



JTTD Patches


Decade Folder for Mediafire

And Episode 3 AVI (as it was over 200MB)

Here’s Decade 1-9  with the new DVD9 raws (you can find them on nyaa if you want to use the patches). A few tweaks have been given to each episode and the quality is betetr so check them out. Also included in the torrent is Journey through the Decade (also a new raw) and a special Joke edit that I made myself (If you make it past the 2 min mark then you’re a lucky one, or maybe you’re a cursed one?). Now some Decade related questions:

>When Episode 10 coming?

Shut up.

>Are you going to finish this show before Taisen comes out?

Shut up.

>Did you know the Taisen movie came out in August? Where’s the raw? (This one’s a true story. Had a friend ask me this twice within a week)

That was TaiHEN (the net movies), learn to read the letter “h”

>I’ve never seen Kamen Rider before and I want to start with Decade so-


>But my friend said-


>Are you just typing these out because you have nothing more to say about Decade, that you haven’t already said?

Shut up.

I’ll be back with more Zyuranger later on in the week but, until then, I need a break.

Posted in Kamen Rider Decade, Releases | 8 Comments

Robo: Medarot!


Here’s a project I’m involved in as part of the new sub group Robo. Go and check it out and get your Robottle on!

Posted in Releases, Uncategorized | 2 Comments

Zyuranger 31





The time has come to fight Satan! But first our heroes must go on a quest to discover themselves (No really). This involves a brief visit to a place called “America Camp Village”. It’s a blatant ad but not as bad as the two episodes of Megaranger that were almost a complete commercial for Rindo Lake Park (I’m also told that Rindo made an appearance in Carranger). If you want to check out their site (There’s not much there, except their adorable American Squirrel mascot), then here it is (http://www.xn--ccksg2ovbo0c7dt270e.com/) It makes for a great fight scene though, and Burai is a beast.

Speaking of Burai we get some back story about him and why he’s the only one on a time limit. This show seems to mentioning Burai lately, I wonder why… (dun dun dun!)

Also, this episode feature not one, but TWO new robot combinations! DaiZyuJin+Dragon Caesar and DaiZyuJin+Dragon Caesar+King Brachion. The latter combination is the first second seven piece combination in Sentai history (Curse you Turboranger and your Super Turbo Building block!) Sure today that’s nothing, and something like this would be like mid game for a modern Sentai, but at the time this was impressive as hell. In fact I still it’s impressive. It’s big, but not overly huge (sup Ha-Oh, G12), it’s got a ton of fire power, but the guns don’t get in the way of the aesthetics (sup Gosei Great and your various combinations… I still love you <3), and IMO it just looks right. It looks like an actual robot and not a stack of toys. I love Sentai mechs, and I always will, and maybe this “my first Sentai syndrome” talking but this design just does it for me. It’s so radical.

Enjoy this episode and everything awesome it has to offer. We’ll be back next week when a mysterious new warrior shows up to challenge Geki, and we find out that Goushi is a true bro.

Posted in Releases, Zyuranger | 2 Comments

Denji Sentai Megaranger RAWs


Here’s the brand new set of raws I’ll be using for my upcoming releases. They’re all DVD9 so unless Toei throw BluRays out of nowhere then we won’t be changing raws again. You don’t have to download these but if you want to watch the new episodes faster then, here it is.

Basically once I release an episode if you already have the raw you just have to download the patch. Place the raw episode in the same folder as the patch and click the ‘MegaPatcher’ file. Then you’ll have a nice subbed mkv of the episode, and you can delete the raw if you choose.

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MegaRanger 1-20 (Again!)




Mediafire Folder

Like I said in the episode 20 release post, we’ve got DVD9 raws now. So here’s a torrent for Mega 1-20 DVD9. No changes from the last torrent (except the picture quality and some added episodes) but from now on I’ll be seeding this and not the old one. I’ll also take the old one down as soon as the leechers die off. Normally I’d write something nice about the show here, but I think I’ve beaten these first 20 episodes to death and all I can say is: NEVER AGAIN. I really hate making torrents, and patches (which are not yet available for you guys) for more than 3 episodes because it’s so boring. The only thing that got me through this was a complete playlist of Sentai music. So yeah…. enjoy it, I need to go do something fun with the rest of my day before I die of boredom.

(This is like the entire reason I’m dragging my feet with that Decade batch, I’m sorry!)

Posted in Megaranger, Releases | 5 Comments