Zyuranger 30

This was my face during the entire episode





This episode is just pure nightmare fuel. Bandora levels up and learns the ultimate dark magic summoning skill, and DoraFranken goes from a cheap suit to “OH GOD WHAT IS THAT!?” We also have bleeding eyeballs, child sacrifices, Satan himself (He’s Japanese, who knew?), a blinking skull, dogs and cats living together! MASS HYSTERIA! With things this bad, just who are you gonna call? No! Not Ghostbusters (That would be awesome though)! Zyuranger of course! How can the Zyurangers beat Satan himself? They’re gonna need to learn their own ultimate summoning skill and we’ll see that next episode. For now, please enjoy “Dinosaur Nightmare Fuel: The Episode!” We’ll see you next week! Unless you count Sunday as the beginning of the week, in that case we’ll see you in a few days! But seriously, stay away from all reflective surfaces, and make sure you’re over the age of 10 before viewing this episode. We warned you…

Posted in Releases, Zyuranger | 1 Comment

It’s been a whole year

I’d give everyone of you a thumbs up, but my thumbs would get tired.


One year ago on this exact date, I released the first episode of Megaranger. It wasn’t perfect at all, the font was too small, the timing was all fucked up, and the words were a bit too close to the TV-N version, but it was something. 20 episodes later I’m really glad I started doing this. Sure, it’s killed my anime/toku backlog to the point where watching new things can be a chore. But to think in one year I did 20 episodes of Mega, 10 episodes of Decade, and 30 episodes of Zyuranger is mind blowing. That’s a lot of stuff! I remember I first wanted to breeze through one episode of Mega a day and catch up to TV-N at the end of last summer. Little did I know how much work really has to be put into this stuff and now I’m glad I’ve come as far as I have.

Basically, what I want to say is thanks. You guys have supported me, and left comments, and all that stuff, but more importantly, you’ve watched these shows. That’s the whole reason I decided to sub, so that people could see these shows. Someone once told me that they watched Mega with their 10 year old brother and read the lines out loud to him. I can honestly say that really touched me and at time, has motivated me to finish episodes.
Anyways, I just wanted to say thanks for the support, you guys are awesome, and here’s to another year of putting words on a video file.

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Zyuranger 29

Bros being bros.



Here we are with episode 29! We’ve come a long way and so have our heroes. However, it seems that Bandora has come even farther! Her new clay monsters are becoming a serious problem for our heroes and it seems like there’s no end in sight. What will our heroes do!? They’ll do what any sane person in a JRPG does when a boss gets too tough, they’ll go on a quest for some new equipment, and fight a weaker side boss for exp. That’s basically this episode in a nutshell. Geki and Burai must track down King Brachion and obtain the treasure he guards. What is this new treasure? Well, you can probably guess. But will this new weapon be able to stop Bandora? Is Zyuranger about to get seriously dark and sinister? Is Satan really Japanese? Will I keep asking you question I already know the answers too!? Hold onto your dinosaur eggs because this show’s getting ready for some serious stuff, and since this episode ends on a massive cliffhanger we don’t intend to keep you waiting. We’ll be back!

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Erina Mano- The World is a Summer Party



Close Up:
One Shot Dance:

So yeah, here’s more Erina. Hopefully this is the LAST time I ever release something by her. Why? Because it’s addicting and takes time away from other things, like that Decade batch I’m supposed to do (This is the excuse I use so I can sleep at night. The real reason is I’m lazy). Included in this torrent are SEVEN different versions of the same fucking song. I hope you like summer parties because you’re getting a lot of them. I couldn’t decide which one to do so I them all. Let’s break it down:

Sekai wa Summer Party– The normal PV. It’s Erina being Erina, you know the drill by now. Presented here in Blu Ray quality.

Sekai wa Summer Party (Close Up ver)– Same as above except it’s zoomed in on her face for the entire video. It’s creepy, and kinda uncomfortable but I think some of you will uhhh enjoy it.

Sekai wa Summer Party (Dance Shot ver)– It’s just Erina and her back up dancers doing the dance.

Sekai wa Summer Party (One Shot Dance ver)– Those backup dancers piss you off? Are you sitting there going “WHY!? WHY ARE THESE NOT AS CUTE AS ERINA GIRLS DANCING!? THEY’RE DISTACTING ME FROM MY ERINA!” then this one is for you. It’s Erina dancing by herself, just for you. You poor, lonely, bastard.

Sekai wa Summer Party (Live ver)– Erina preforming the song live. The dancers are there too. I’m sorry to those above.

Sekai wa Summer Party (Piano ver)– Video is exactly like the original except Erina is playing a keyboard instead of dancing. Is also lacking those background girls.

Sekai wa Summer Party (Picture ver)– An instrumental track with various adorable pictures. It’s not subbed and I just threw it in as an extra. Enjoy it.

I think that’s all of them, if it’s not then oh well. I should work on this week’s Zyuranger.

Posted in PV, Releases | 1 Comment

Megaranger 20

Know what’s better than fingers? Gatling gun fingers!



The 20th episode, and a new Mecha. So what better way to celebrate this milestone than by using brand new raws? (Yeah, again). So those DVD9’s I thought we’d never get turned up. Big thanks to the brotastic ARDM for providing the ISO. So from this episode on we’re using DVD9. It’s the best quality you’re gonna get until 2122 when Toei finally releases Megaranger on BluRay. 1-19 will be remuxed and a torrent will be made eventually. Now onto the episode itself:

Like the title/release pic/the first sentence in this post says, the Megarangers get a new mecha. What’s so special about this guy? Three words: GATLING. GUN. FINGERS. Not many things get cooler than that. He also pilots himself (that’s gonna be a problem in about 1 episode). So in a way he’s like a beefed up Tetra Boy from Jetman, except he doesn’t jump around as much. I really like this episode if only because it’s real technical. The basic plot is they need the final control program that will allow MegaRed to issue commands to the new mecha. The problem is the developer of this program is a dick who, in exchange, wants his son to come back to Earth. His son, however, is the CHIEF FUCKING ENGINEER of INET. So of course no one wants him to leave because without him who’s gonna fix the mechs? So the spotlight focuses on this kid and his dad, as well as Kenta. Also Shiborena is really cute when she’s mad, and Kubota is cool as fuck.

Next time: We learn why AI controlled robots are bad and why you should feel bad about using them. Actually… it’s why you should feel bad when the enemy figures out how to use them against you.

Either way! Next time: Three short Japanese words make one extremely long English sentence! Look forward to it!

Posted in Megaranger, Releases | 5 Comments

SHF AkibaBlue


Got her in the mail today, and got bored. Now you must all suffer for it!

Continue reading

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Zyuranger 28

These guys look legit



This is a pretty standard episode but still really good. It sets up a lot of stuff that’s going to be important in the next episode. Also it answers one of the great Sentai mysteries, “How do the heroes get money?”Turns out the Zyuranger’s live off an allowance and it’s not enough for them to live (Dan wants a 90’s computer, yay 1.4mb!). So like normal people, they get jobs! It’s kind of weird but kinda realistic. Realistic and Zyuranger,  now there’s something I won’t say too often. Anyways, the plot is that Bandora realizes that the Zyurangers are too strong. So in order to up her own arsenal she decides to find new clay to make her monsters out of. I won’t spoil anymore but now Bandora’s upping her arsenal and getting stronger! How will the Zyurangers win!? Tune in next week to find out!

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Zyuranger 27

In the name of Rishiya!





Tonight’s episode is brought to you by Kyoko Sagiyama. Sagiyama is most famous for being the mentor of Yasuko Kobayashi (If you’re a Toku fan you know this name), and for writing various Toku episodes for shows such as; Skyrider, Super-1, Black, Black RX, Jiban, Winspector, Solbrain, Exceedraft, Janperson, Blue Swat, B-Fighter, and B-Fighter Kabuto. She also wrote two songs for the Winspector soundtrack. So there’s your behind the scenes trivia for this episode, now on with the show!

I already said Mei was one of my favorite pinks, and this episodes just further proves it. There’s a lot of great stuntwork (Thanks Mr. Niibori!) and Mei just about singlehandedly solos the monster. It’s why I love her, she looks all cute and princessy and then WHAM you got an arrow through your throat! We get a little backstory on the kingdom of Rishiya and it’s Princess who looks like Mei but isn’t (Gotta love Toei’s “Your ancestors look exactly like you!” theory).

I really like how they scramble the order of events in the episode because it breaks away from the traditional Sentai formula just enough that it keeps you on your toes. It’s a really good episode, even if you’re not into the color pink, or flowers, or love. Enjoy the episode and we’ll be back next week when Bandora discovers that you can make monsters out of other types of clay! Things are about to get a little Halloweeny in here.
As a bonus have a picture of Kazuo Niibori (Zyu’s action director, he was in Akibaranger, has that Red Action Club, all around cool guy) from around the time of Changeman I think.

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Zyuranger 26





It’s time! The fated crossover between Keita Amemiya and Toshiki Inoue! Only one question remains… are their any rivers? No wait that isn’t it, but the answer is no, there are NO rivers to be found (Someone does fall into a pond at the end though, does that count?) The real question is: Is this episode good? YES! I can’t recommend this episode enough. Inoue had a field day and Amemiya came a long and made it better.

Long before I ever heard the name Amemiya or Inoue this episode just left me awestruck. I mean, they kill people with guns, and yet no one ever mentions it again. I was like “Wow Bandora’s hardcore!” And a bonus treat Mei shows off just how amazing she is, and earns her spot as my favorite Pink. Whenever it’s her versus a monster 1-on-1 you can always expect her to do something awesome. In fact I hope you like Mei because next episode is all about her and we’re not waiting until next week to bring it to you (Unless I feel it, Rider Gen 2 is out after all).

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Zyuranger 25

Cocaine’s a hell of a drug


1-25 Torrent


We’re half way there! And what better way to celebrate the half way point then to have Keita Amemiya direct this episode? I’ve praised this man enough in my ZO and J releases so I’ll save you the repetition. I will say that you can tell Amemiya was here. One part of this episode reminds me a lot of ZO. In fact the whole episode has a nature theme which is similar to ZO (ZO was made a few months after Zyu ended in ’93). Amemiya is known for his visuals and I say he did a good job here. Obviously it’s not as nightmare fuel inducing as ZO or J but there’s somethings you’ll notice that don’t seem like they’d be in other episodes (Like theGolem summoning scene. Good use of stop motion there).

This episode may look super pretty but how’s the plot? It’s Amemiya ,so it’s great! The plot is simple but surprisingly realistic. Of course it’s got some fantasy in it, what doesn’t? But instead of a mystical item that heals everyone, the cure this time is an actual antidote… from a hospital. The problem is there’s not enough to go around! Now to me that’s as realistic as it gets in Sentai. Of course killing the monster solves the problem, but still it’s a nice change of pace.

Enjoy this episode and all it’s visual goodness but do not cry brave warrior, for Amemiya will be back soon in Episode 26, and he’ll be joined by a very a special writer…

Coming hot off of his hit show Jetman, it’s Toshiki Inoue! He’s teaming up with Amemiya to give you a chilling escapade about tainted snowcones! It’s going to be the episode of the century! Kazuo Niibori as the Action Director, Keita Amemiya as the director, and Toshiki Inoue as the writer! Can you handle this triple tag team of all stars? Next time on Dinosaur Squad Zyuranger: The Tag Team of Awesomeness! Please look forward to it!

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